Past COP side events:

Flyer (pdf : 1.00MB)
Press release: Go to the Press release [in Japanese]


MC: Charmine Koda (IGES)

Welcome Address and Objectives of this Side Event
Hironori Hamanaka (IGES)
Scenarios for China, India, Japan and Other Asian Countries(pdf: 1.02MB)
Mikiko Kainuma, Junichi Fujino (NIES), P.R. Shukla (IIM, India), and Kejun Jiang (ERI, China)
Opportunities and Challenges in Asia
Kentaro Tamura, Eric Zusman, Kazuhisa Koakutsu (IGES), Hiroshi Ohki (JCCCA)
Isson Ippin (One Village, One Action) Campaign: National Competition for Climate Change Actions
Koichi Hasegawa (Tohoku University)
World-Wide "Low-Carbon Societies Research Network" (LCS-RNet) (pdf:755KB)
Shuzo Nishioka (IGES)
Open Discusion
Moderator: Charmine Koda (IGES)

About Side-event

This session presents visions for sustainable low carbon development in Asia, and discusses how domestic actions (including Japanese “Isson-Ippin”) and international institutions (including enhanced market mechanisms) can contribute to low carbon development in major Asian economies. Sustainable low-carbon society visions and actions focusing on major Asian countries and cities show possible drastic GHG emissions reductions with feasible roadmaps, available market mechanisms, the Japanese local action “Isson-Ippin”, and effective Asian and global international institutions.

Discussion Points:

Japan - UK Joint Research Project Developing visions for a Low Carbon Society (LCS) through sustainable development

The Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MoEJ) and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in the UK (Defra) are jointly promoting a scientific research project toward achieving a Low Carbon Society (LCS) by 2050. The National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) and the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research are conducting research activities in line with this goal. We held the 1st LCS workshop in June 2006 (Tokyo), the 2nd LCS workshop in June 2007 (London), the 3rd LCS workshop in February 2008 (Tokyo) and it summarized research outputs for G8 Japan.

Executive Summary and Workshop Summary for 1st, 2nd and 3rd LCS workshop are:

Contact us: Low-Carbon Asia Research
Low-Carbon Society Research Project