Agenda: PDF(768KB) |
MS WORD(155KB) |
Flyer (pdf : 1.41MB) |
Press release: Go to the Press release [in Japanese] |
Programme |
[All Slides (ZIP file, 3.15MB) Download] |
9:00-9:05 |
Welcome Address and
objectives of this side event(pdf : 63.8KB)
Shuzo Nishioka (NIES) |
9:05-9:25 |
Sustainable low-carbon Asia
- backcasting methodology can identify possible leap-frogs to sustainable development - (AIM/NIES)(pdf : 2.14MB)
Mikiko Kainuma (NIES), Junichi Fujino (NIES), Kejun Jiang (ERI, China) and P.R. Shukla (IIM, India) |
9:25-9:45 |
Climate change negotiations: can Asia change the game? (Civic Exchange)
Andrew Stevenson (Civic Exchange), Tariq Banuri (Division for Sustainable Development, United Nations)
and Cornie Huizenga (CleanAir Instiute - Asia)
9:45-10:05 |
India-EU cooperation on climate security: a new framework for action?
Titus Alexander (Director, AGCC) and Tom Spencer (Director, AGCC; Executive Director,
European Centre for Public Affairs; Vice-Chairman, the Institute for Environmental Security)
10:05-10:25 |
Open Discusion
Moderator: Tom Spencer (AGCC) |
10:25-10:30 |
Closing Remarks
Raekwon Chung, Climate Change Ambassador, Republic of Korea |
About Side-event |
How can strategies for building Low-Carbon Societies (LCS) in Asia contribute
to solving the global climate crisis and "change the game" for
post-2012 climate negotiations? This session presents visions and concrete
roadmaps for developing LCS in Asian countries including Japan, China and
India and examines potential solutions for strenghening participation from
Asia in the post-Kyoto agreement. |
Discussion Points: |
i. How can we design visions and roadmaps towards a sustainable low-carbon Asia? |
ii. How can we structure a framework, mechanism, and rules to realize a sustainable low-carbon Asia? |
iii. How can we integrate a long-term strategy and short-term action into the post-2012 agreement? |
COP13 and CMP3 side event: "Low-Carbon Asia; To be or not to be"
How to align Climate Change and Sustainable Development |
COP12 and COP/MOP2 side event: Global Challenges toward Low-Carbon Society(LCS)
through Sustainable Development (SD) |
COP11 and COP/MOP1 side event: Global Challenges Toward Low-Carbon Economy
-Focus on Country-Specific Scenario Analysis- |
Japan - UK Joint Research Project
Developing visions for a Low Carbon Society (LCS)
through sustainable development |
The Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MoEJ) and the Department for Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs in the UK (Defra) are jointly promoting a scientific research project
toward achieving a Low Carbon Society (LCS) by 2050.
The National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)
and the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research are conducting research activities
in line with this goal.
We held the 1st LCS workshop in June 2006 (Tokyo),
the 2nd LCS workshop in June 2007 (London),
the 3rd LCS workshop in February 2008 (Tokyo) and it summarized research outputs for G8 Japan. |
Executive Summary and Workshop Summary for 1st, 2nd and 3rd LCS workshop are:
1st LCS workshop: Go to the 1st LCS workshop page
2nd LCS workshop: Go to the 2nd workshop page
3rd LCS workshop: Go to the 3rd workshop page. |