"Roadmap to a Low-Carbon World''
The 3rd Workshop / Symposium of Japan-UK Joint Research Project |
Objectives |
The 3 days meeting consisted of 2 days Expert Workshop and 1 day Symposium.
Those were performed to consider achieved strategies of LCS. Those outcome
will be offered to G8.
In Expert Workshop for the first 2 days, the draft discussed in Panel Discussion
in Symposium was made. Presentation for 15 minutes and 1-2 of Question were made.
In Day 3 Symposium, 3 cases of High-level speech was announced in the morning.
The outcome of Expert Workshop for 2 days was announced in the afternoon.
These were asked audience with using electric voting system.
Awareness regarding CO2 reduction of participants was probably relatively high right from the start.
Regarding the level of worldwide CO2 reduction by 2050, a majority of participants
responded that a reduction of over about 50% was required.
When the question was put to the audience again after the session, results showed an increase in
the number of participants who considered a higher reduction level to be feasible.
However, the results also showed that the audience remained insufficiently convinced as a whole
on the feasibility of achieving a level of CO2 required for the abatement of climate change risks
and assurance of a sustainable future.
These outcomes were gathered as Call for Action / Executive summary / Full
report / and other things to input to the process of G8 and UNFCCC.
Timetable of the 3rd LCS Workshop |
Structure of the Expert Workshop / Symposium |
A two-day expert workshop will be followed by a one-day symposium: |
Expert Workshop |
The expert workshop (13th-14th February) will explore the roadmap to a
lowcarbon world through presentations and small-group discussions.
Around 60 experts will be invited. These will include low-carbon society researchers;
officials at national, sub-national and city level who are dealing with city planning,
transportation policy, technological development, assistance to developing countries,
and climate change; business and financial experts and NGOs.
The expert workshop consisted of two series of key-note speeches, parallel
sessions, interactive sessions and post-parallel sessions.
Four key issues were discussed in the parallel sessions.
Topic1: Behavior change and its impact on delivering LCSs
Topic2: Delivering LCS through Sustainable Development
Topic3: Enabling LCSs: Investment
Topic4: Barriers and opportunities: Approaches to sensitive LCS sectors
Expert Workshop for the first 2 days made the draft discussed in Panel Discussion in Symposium.
Presentation for 15 minutes and 1-2 of Question
Symposium |
The symposium (15th), will be addressed by high-level speakers in the morning.
Discussion points explored at the expert workshop will be presented by
panel discussion in the afternoon ? the audience will be able to interact
using hand-held electronic opinion counters.
Around two hundred people, who have some relation to and/or are stakeholders
in the topic, will be invited.
The third workshop outputs |
"the report and executive summary" and the "call for action"
as well as a summary of conclusions from the whole workshop series was
discussed among the experts in the final session on the third day before
being finalized by the international Steering Committee.
These can be found at 'Outcome' page. |
Image figure of the flow from workshop to symposium |
Background to the workshop series |
The Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MoEJ) and the Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in the UK (Defra) are jointly promoting
a scientific research project toward achieving a Low-Carbon Society (LCS)
by 2050. The National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), the UK
Energy Research Centre (UKERC) and the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change
Research are conducting research activities in line with this goal. We
organized the 1st LCS workshop in June 2006 (Tokyo) and the 2nd LCS workshop
in June 2007 (London).
The report of the first workshop was presented to the G8 Dialogue meeting
in Mexico in October 2006. The Executive Summary was distributed to Parties
at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meeting
in Nairobi in November 2006.
These can be found at the website http://2050.nies.go.jp/japan-uk/1st/.
The report of the second workshop was distributed to Parties at the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meeting in Bali
in December 2007.
These can be found at the website
http://www.ukerc.ac.uk/TheMeetingPlace/Activities/Activities2007/0706AchievingSustainableLCS.aspx. |
Contact |
Junichi Fujino,
Senior Researcher,
Center for Global Environment Research (CGER), National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES),
16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8506 Japan.
Tel: +81-29-850-2504, Fax: +81-29-850-2572
E-mail: lcs@nies.go.jp |