Following the LCS workshop, an Asia-Pacific Integrated Motel (AIM) training workshop was held in the meeting room of ISPONRE from the afternoon of May 31, 2012. AIM is a group of computer models, which has been developed by Kyoto University, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), and several other research institutes in the Asian-Pacific region since 1990. Prof. Yuzuru Matsuoka, Kyoto University delivered a lecture to the participants about the purpose and methodology of AIM models. After Prof. Matsuoka, Dr. Kei Gomi, Kyoto University, introduced the Extended snapshot tool (ExSS), which is an Input-Output type model for describing and evaluating low carbon society using social accounting matrices, energy balance tables, land use transition matrix, GHG emission and reduction tables of the target societies. Dr. Kazuya Fujiwara, Mizuro Information & Research Institute, Inc, explained the AIM/Enduse, which is national and local level bottom-up engineering type model for technology selection and energy supply/consumption.
On the morning of June 1, more intensive discussions on the Vietnamese LCS scenario and model development was held as part of the workshop between delegates from Kyoto University and ISPONRE staffs. Ms. Nguyen Thai Hoa presented the data and assumptions behind the scenario. Responding to questions from the ISPONRE side on the model and data, Ms. Hoa and Prof. Matsuoka introduced the theory and function of the model and pointed out that the reliability and quality of data is not a problem of the model itself, though it should be considered seriously as it affects the quality of output of the model.