Global Environmental Research Fund (GERF/S-3)
Japan Low-Carbon Society Scenarios toward 2050 Project symposium
Date: February 12, 2009 (Thursday) 9:30 - 17:30
Venue: Hotel Metropolitan Edomont, 2F "Yukyu" room
3-10-8 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8130, Japan

Environment and Climate Change was one of the main issues of Hokkaido Toyako Summit in July 2008, and a summary of that conference stated a long term goal that "with respect to the goal of achieving at least 50% reduction of global emissions by 2050, the G8 leaders agreed to seek to share and adopt it with all Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change."


Begun in April 2004 with funding from the Global Environmental Research Fund, the Japan Low-Carbon Society Scenarios toward 2050 Project demonstrated that Japan has the technological potential to reduce its CO2 emissions by 70% compared to 1990 levels. The Project published "Japan Low-Carbon Society Scenarios: paths to reduce CO2 emissions by 70%", a document that examines research results from difference perspectives, including city, transportation, IT, energy, and so on. The project also studied specific measures to achieve the reduction of CO2 by 70%, and proposed packs of such measures as "A Dozen Actions toward Low-Carbon Societies."


The Project held a symposium during February of its final year, to announce the results of five years of research activities to stakeholders who have influence on development of Low-Carbon Society, and to introduce the advancement of Low-Carbon Society scenario studies in Asian countries.

Report of "Path toward Low-Carbon Society: Japan and Asia - Results from Japan Low-carbon Society (LCS) Scenarios Study -"
  Report of this symposium were published. (2009. 6. 25 upload)
  *Japanese and English are described in parallel. Some part of sentences has been described only in Japanese.
  Download (pdf: 11.1MB)
Download the agenda: here . (pdf: 64.8KB)
9:30-9:40 Opening Remarks
Mr. Hiroshi Ono(Ministry of the Environment, Japan)
1st Session "The results of 'Japan Low-Carbon Society Scenarios toward 2050' Project"
Language: Japanese (with simultaneous interpretation)
Chair: Dr. Yuichi Moriguchi (National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan)
9:40-9:50 Introduction: Outline of "Japan Low-Carbon Society Scenarios toward 2050 Project"
"Introduction of Japan LCS Research Project" (pdf: 1.24MB)

Dr. Junichi Fujino (NIES, Japan)
9:50-10:20 "Emission reduction required for the global and Japan in 2050" (pdf: 1.42MB)

Prof. Norichika Kanie (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

Commentator: Dr. Tae Yong Jung (Asian Development Bank, Philippines)
Slides of comments (pdf: 84.6KB)
10:20-11:20 Japan 70% CO2 emissions reduction scenarios by 2050: Roadmap and Dozen Actions toward LCSs by Backcasting Methodology
"Backcasting and a Dozen Actions for 70% CO2 emissions reductions by 2050 in Japan"
(pdf: 3.6MB)

Dr. Junichi Fujino (NIES, Japan)

Commentator: Prof. Fwa Tien Fang (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
11:20-12:05 "Potential of low carbon city formation and its analysis"(pdf: 1.2MB)

Prof. Keisuke Hanaki (The Univesity of Tokyo, Japan)

Commentator: Dr. Shobhakar Dhakal (NIES, Japan)
12:05-13:05 Lunch
Chair: Prof. Norichika Kanie (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
13:05-13:50 "Transportation in Low Carbon Society" (pdf: 2.05MB)

Dr. Yuichi Moriguchi (NIES, Japan)

Commentator: Dr. Rizaldi Boer (Bogor Agriculture University, Indonesia)
Slides of comments (pdf: 149KB)
13:50-14:35 "Low-Carbon Society Scenario: ICT and Ecodesign"(pdf: 3.88MB)

Prof. Jun Fujimoto (Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Japan)

Commentator: Mr. William Wills (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
14:35-14:50 Wrap-up:
What has been done in "Japan Low-Carbon Society Scenarios toward 2050 Project"
(Japanese)(pdf: 1.5MB)

Summary (Japanese) (pdf: 22.3KB)

Dr. Shuzo Nishioka (Project leader, NIES, Japan)
14:50-15:05 Coffee Break
2nd session "Advancement of Low-Carbon Society Scenario Studies in Aisan countries"
Language: English (with simultaneous interpretation)
Chair: Dr. Mikiko Kainuma (NIES, Japan)
15:05-15:35 China Low Carbon Society Scenarios
"Low Carbon Society Scenario up to 2050 for China"(pdf: 403KB)

Dr. Jiang Kejun (Energy Research Institute, China)

Commentator: Dr. Haruki Tsuchiya (Research Institute for Systems Technology, Japan)
Slides of comments (pdf: 25.9KB)
15:35-16:05 India Low Carbon Society Scenarios
"Low-Carbon Society Scenarios for India: Aligning Sustainable Development and Climate Actions" (pdf: 7.73MB)

Prof. P. R. Shukla (Indian Institute of Management, India)

Commentator: Ms. Megumi Muto (Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan)
Slides of comments (pdf: 365KB)
16:05-16:35 Thailand Low Carbon Society Scenarios
"Measures towards a Low Carbon Society: Case of Thailand" (pdf: 346KB)

Prof. Ram Manohar Shrestha (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand)

Commentator: Mr. Taka Hiraishi (Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan)
16:35-17:05 Implication of terrestrial carbon emissions in a LCS
"The 2000 Billion Ton Carbon Gorilla - Implication of terrestrial carbon emissions for a LCS-" (pdf: 898KB)

Dr. James A. Edmonds (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA)

Commentator: Dr. Yoshiki Yamagata (NIES, Japan)
17:05-17:25 Wrap-up "Direction of Low-Carbon Asia Study" (pdf: 290KB)

Dr. Mikiko Kainuma (NIES, Japan), Dr. Toshihiko Masui (NIES, Japan)
17:25-17:30 Closing Remarks

Ryutaro Ohtsuka D.Sc. (President, NIES, Japan)

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