Global Environmental Research Fund (GERF/S-3) |
Japan Low-Carbon Society Scenarios toward 2050 Project symposium |
Date: February 12, 2009 (Thursday) 9:30 - 17:30 |
Venue: Hotel Metropolitan Edomont, 2F "Yukyu" room |
3-10-8 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8130, Japan |
Objectives |
Environment and Climate Change was one of the main issues of Hokkaido Toyako
Summit in July 2008, and a summary of that conference stated a long term
goal that "with respect to the goal of achieving at least 50% reduction
of global emissions by 2050, the G8 leaders agreed to seek to share and
adopt it with all Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change." |
Begun in April 2004 with funding from the Global Environmental Research
Fund, the Japan Low-Carbon Society Scenarios toward 2050 Project demonstrated
that Japan has the technological potential to reduce its CO2 emissions
by 70% compared to 1990 levels. The Project published "Japan Low-Carbon
Society Scenarios: paths to reduce CO2 emissions by 70%", a document
that examines research results from difference perspectives, including
city, transportation, IT, energy, and so on. The project also studied specific
measures to achieve the reduction of CO2 by 70%, and proposed packs of
such measures as "A Dozen Actions toward Low-Carbon Societies." |
The Project held a symposium during February of its final year, to announce
the results of five years of research activities to stakeholders who have
influence on development of Low-Carbon Society, and to introduce the advancement
of Low-Carbon Society scenario studies in Asian countries. |
Report of "Path toward Low-Carbon Society:
Japan and Asia - Results from Japan Low-carbon Society (LCS) Scenarios Study -" |
Report of this symposium were published. (2009. 6. 25 upload) |
*Japanese and English are described in parallel. Some part of sentences has been described only in Japanese. |
(pdf: 11.1MB) |
Program |
Download the agenda: here
. (pdf: 64.8KB) |
9:30-9:40 |
Opening Remarks
Mr. Hiroshi Ono(Ministry of the Environment, Japan) |
1st Session
"The results of 'Japan Low-Carbon Society Scenarios toward 2050' Project" |
Language: Japanese (with simultaneous interpretation) |
Chair: Dr. Yuichi Moriguchi
(National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan) |
Chair: Prof. Norichika Kanie (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) |
2nd session
"Advancement of Low-Carbon Society Scenario Studies in Aisan countries" |
Language: English (with simultaneous interpretation) |
Chair: Dr. Mikiko Kainuma (NIES, Japan) |
15:05-15:35 |
China Low Carbon Society Scenarios
"Low Carbon Society Scenario
up to 2050 for China"(pdf: 403KB)
Dr. Jiang Kejun (Energy Research Institute, China)
Commentator: Dr. Haruki Tsuchiya
(Research Institute for Systems Technology, Japan)
Slides of comments
(pdf: 25.9KB) |
15:35-16:05 |
India Low Carbon Society Scenarios
"Low-Carbon Society Scenarios for India:
Aligning Sustainable Development and Climate Actions"
(pdf: 7.73MB)
Prof. P. R. Shukla (Indian Institute of Management, India)
Commentator: Ms. Megumi Muto
(Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan)
Slides of comments
(pdf: 365KB) |
16:05-16:35 |
Thailand Low Carbon Society Scenarios
"Measures towards a Low Carbon Society: Case of Thailand"
(pdf: 346KB)
Prof. Ram Manohar Shrestha
(Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand)
Commentator: Mr. Taka Hiraishi
(Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan) |
16:35-17:05 |
Implication of terrestrial carbon emissions in a LCS
"The 2000 Billion Ton Carbon Gorilla
- Implication of terrestrial carbon emissions for a LCS-"
(pdf: 898KB)
Dr. James A. Edmonds (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA)
Commentator: Dr. Yoshiki Yamagata (NIES, Japan) |
17:05-17:25 |
Wrap-up "Direction of Low-Carbon Asia Study"
(pdf: 290KB)
Dr. Mikiko Kainuma (NIES, Japan),
Dr. Toshihiko Masui (NIES, Japan) |
17:25-17:30 |
Closing Remarks
Ryutaro Ohtsuka D.Sc. (President, NIES, Japan) |
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